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Table 2 Clinical and histopathological characteristics of the main leprosy lesions considered as diagnostic hypotheses that resulted in biopsies with a subsequent diagnosis of dermatofibromas originating in leprosy lesions

From: A case series of dermatofibromas originating in leprosy lesions: a potentially misdiagnosed condition



T1Ra (RR)b

T2Rc (ENL)d

Histoid leprosy

Drug resistance


Recurrence 1 year or more after withdrawal of treatment

Usually within 6 months of withdrawal of treatment; in recurrent reactions, up to 2 years

Can occur any time during the course of leprosy, but is most common within 1 year of starting PCT

Patients who discontinued treatment or had resistance to sulfone

Initial amelioration followed by halt or worsening

Leprosy lesions

All types


LL side (LL and BL)

LL side (LL and BL)

LL side (LL and BL)

Skin lesions

Increase in size and extent of existent lesion(s); new lesion(s); reappearance of lesions over old lesions; ulcerations not seen

Existing lesions become tumid and erythematous; distribution: locations of existing lesions; ulcerations seen in severe reactions

New erythematous dermal and/or subcutaneous nodules; painful and tender; distribution: upper and lower extremities, trunk, face

Skin-colored papules and nodules; bacillary proliferation and morphologically solid bacilli within fusiform macrophages

Appearance of new lesions with bacillary proliferation and morphologically solid bacilli


Nerve involvement; no spontaneous pain; tenderness on pressure; sensory and motor deficits slow and creeping; bacillary proliferation

Acute painful neuritis; nerves exquisitely tender; nerve “abscess” (caseous necrosis); sudden paralysis of muscles and increase in extent of sensory loss

Similar to T1R, but with influx of neutrophils and formation of microabscesses and absence of caseous necrosis


Bacillary proliferation


Retreatment with standard PCT or drug change if resistance is detected

Prednisone (start at 0.5–1.0 mg/kg) NSAIDs Azathioprine Cyclosporine

Thalidomide (start at 100–200 mg daily) Clofazimine Prednisone Pentoxifylline TNF-alfa inhibitors

Retreatment with standard PCT or drug change if resistance is detected

Retreatment. New drugs are used according to the definition of which of them previously used resulted in resistance by M. leprae

  1. LL lepromatous, PCT polychemotherapy, I indeterminate, TT tuberculoid, BL borderline lepromatous, BB borderline borderline, BT borderline tuberculoid, NSAIDs nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. aType 1 reactions; bReversal reaction; cType 2 reaction; derythema nodosum leprosum